Whatever crosses my mind - good, bad or ugly - will probably end up here at some point. Between my ravings, you can read about my cycling exploits with the Feedback Sports Racing Team here in Boulder, CO.

Monday, March 09, 2009

3/9/09: Power's Heading Up

Power continues to trend in the right direction. More importantly, my power/weight ratio is climbing. Working on finishing the long weekend rides strong to simulate the final stages of the longer road races. Climbing feels strong and in control. The goal was to be ‘90% fit’ before the April races. Just crested that hump; have a lot of time (more than 4 months) to gain that final 8% or so?

Saturday’s team ride was a fun excursion. 5 of us headed out at 7:30am to hit Flagstaff before heading over to the front side of Lee Hill and on to Jamestown before descending to 36, north to 66 and up to Hygiene before coming home. About 70 miles door-to-door with lots of varied terrain.

Getting there . . .

Ride safe,