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Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/27/10: Floyd Landis

First off, this post is not about whether or not I think anybody implicated by Landis is innocent or guilty. Because I don't know.

My question is this: Why is anybody or any organization (like the UCI) giving Landis any shred of credibility? Landis is an admitted swindler, cheat and liar. He's provided no proof to back up his allegations. Yet, all of these so-called investigations have been launched to "look into" his allegations.

Investigations are great. If they are warranted. So, why not say, "Sure, Floyd, we'll definitely look into all this. Once you provide us with proof, we'll get right on it. Until then, crawl back in your hole."

This reeks of some sort of PR damage control, given what the sport has put itself through the past decade-plus. The UCI launches its investigation and urges all of the relevant national governing bodies to do the same. Yet, it stresses that the launching of the investigations "in no way" is an indication of guilt or wrong-doing by anybody who Landis has implicated.

Really? So far, this appears to be a case of guilty until proven innocent. And, given the voracity of the claims and the lack of credibility involved, I'm surprised so much time and attention is being given to Landis considering he has not offered one shred of proof to-date.

Again, I have no idea who might be innocent or guilty here. If Landis does bring forth damning evidence against anybody, then that person should definitely be investigated and punished (if applicable). But until such time as Landis sufficiently fulfills the burden of proof, all we're seeing is a waste of time, resources and money. All in the name of PR damage control.

My 2 cents.....


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