First Power Test Results: 09/12/08
Did my first accurate power testing today. Thanks to Ben Buxton, I changed the way I viewed the data while on the bike, which allowed for better tracking of output and effort.
The first test was a ramp to determine Critical Power. Start at 100 watts and increase wattage by 10 every minute. Track power versus HR until you can no longer increase wattage. I topped out at 340 watts for about 50 seconds. Effectively, my critical power is around 338 watts, but I rounded it up to 340.
The second test, after about 15 minutes of easy pedaling, is to hold your Critical Power for as long as possible. The normal range for this is anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. I was able to hold 340 watts for 2:30. This is one painful test. The legs are on fire, the chest is thumping and towards the end you're fighting to keep your output up. It starts to dip and you fight to bring it back up, then it dips again and you claw your way back up, and then it dips again and you finally relent.
So, now I have a baseline from which to work. I really don't know what the numbers actually mean just yet. Sure, I understand power and HR and power:weight ratios and all that. But, I don't know what my numbers actually mean in terms of actual performance. This will come with time.
While I do not have the time or the interest to post all my training, I'll do my best to keep an updated progress report of how the training is coming along. I've got some pretty aggressive goals with regards to improving my Critical Power performances. Not sure how realistic or unrealistic those goals are just yet. But, I should start getting a clue when I re-test in another 4-5 weeks.
Looking forward to doing some climbing tomorrow. Thank goodness the clouds have finally broken and the sun is now out. Dry roads will be nice.
Ride safe,