Whatever crosses my mind - good, bad or ugly - will probably end up here at some point. Between my ravings, you can read about my cycling exploits with the Feedback Sports Racing Team here in Boulder, CO.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

SMK Memorial Ride - 5/29/06

While the actual anniversary of Scott's untimely death is today, yesterday was Memorial Day. Every six years, May 30 will be Memorial Day, so in the interim years I'll have a moment of pause on the Day as well as the date.

I decided the best way to honor Scott would be to complete the ride he and I had set off to do last Memorial Day - an 80-miler out to Lyons, up to Raymond and on to Peaceful Valley, before cresting at Ward. Then after a fun descent, another hard push up the backside of Lee Hill before dialing it down to return home. I was set to leave at 7am, when Scott and I left as well.

About fifteen people met me at my house and came out to the accident site with me. Titus and Dan M. continued to ride into the mountains and then on to the Peaceful Valley / Ward loop. Their company was much welcome. Afterall, they were friends of Scott's as well. At the site, I took out some wildflower seeds - some sunflowers I brought out and some given to me by Andy J. (he was out of town at a wedding and lamented he could not join us yesterday) - dug a hole where Scott had lain and buried the seeds there. I brought an extra waterbottle with me full of water and doused the seeds. Hopefully they will take root and give us a colorful reminder of Scott's bubbly personality.

Diran, Brad Titus and I gathered below the "In Memory of" highway sign that now stands at the site. The LVC guys respectfully, but unnecessarily, stayed back while we reflected on our fallen friend and teammate. I don't remember his exact words, but Diran said it best as he blurted something to the effect of "What a crock." In essence, we were robbed of a very special person. Well said, Diran.

The ride was an emotional one, but a wonderful one. I felt Scott all around me. The wind whipped down at us as we climbed South St. Vrain canyon and I mused that Scott was doing his best to make an already challenging ride even more difficult. A year later, I can close a major chapter in this aspect of my life. So much has happened since last Memorial Day and so much more will still happen that is directly tied to last year's tragedy. But, I believe it is now clear that all who were touched by Scott's death are OK and are enjoying life. We miss our comrade, and we shed tears at times, but we are collectively smiling more and more. And that's a good thing and it's OK.

We miss you, man. Send us some Sonic Booms!


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