Whatever crosses my mind - good, bad or ugly - will probably end up here at some point. Between my ravings, you can read about my cycling exploits with the Feedback Sports Racing Team here in Boulder, CO.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Because It Needs to Be Done - 04/11/07

The weather here in CO has been quite topsy turvy this winter. A definitive pattern has formed, with weather being crappy on the weekend followed by nicer weather during the week and then further crappy weather the following weekend. At times, putting in the time has become challenging.

Just this past Saturday, I was forced onto the trainer for a 4-hour stint. It wasn’t fun, but it was a solid session and got the job done. I did what had to be done. This weekend is not looking any better. The prospect of another 4+ hours on the trainer is distasteful. But, if I have to do it, then I’ll do it. I can handle the cold. But cold coupled with freezing rain or blowing snow is a match made in hell.

I do it because it is what needs to be done. If my plan was to ride 4 hours outside, then why would I get on the trainer for 90 minutes? Or for any length of time less than the 4 hours? The answer is, “I wouldn’t.” A minute equals a minute; an hour an hour. Riding inside for any given amount of time is equivalent to the same amount of time riding outside. The body knows duration and effort. Don't think for a moment that riding 2.5 hours inside somehow magically translates to riding 4 hours outside. That's a bullshit cop out.

My goals are clear. I know what I need to do in order to have a shot of achieving them. So, when necessary, long trainer rides are inserted. I’m not special. I just do what needs to be done because it needs to be done.

Pretty simple philosophy.


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